The wife and I were celebrating our 10th (!!!) anniversary so we took advantage of Mito's break from school (therapy center) to revisit Paris.

(a pity that it was cloudy - no gorgeous blue skies in the background)

Since we were with our son, museums were out - he wouldn't appreciate it, and there's a very real chance he'd end up messing with some priceless art.
So aside from staying on the outside places, we also spent some time at Disney Paris, which, incidentally, was celebrating its 25th anniversary.

And here is Mito's reaction to all the Paris hoopla --

Actually, he enjoyed it. He was just annoyed at mommy and daddy who were always asking him to smile for pictures.

Leah was also able to visit the outlet store (meron pala!) near Paris, and it was fortunate that there was an aquarium right beside the shopping village so that Mito wasn't bored at all.

Four years ago, when the wife and I first visited Paris, pickpockets attempted to try their skills against us - not knowing that we were Pinoys and we face that shit everyday. Two young women flanked me and aggressively tried to get me to sign something while their hands were doing something else.
This time, there was another attempt! Right when we were buying train tickets, an official-looking woman (with train cards on her hand) pretended to help us out. Good thing a real official was nearby and chased the woman away. "Don't talk to anyone who's not wearing this coat (pointing to his uniform)! Very dangerous!" So if you're planning to visit Paris, don't get distracted by the sights. Constant vigilance!

Good thing you're still lovely, Paris.

Here's Mito on our train ride home. Far more relaxing than taking a plane, I tell you.