I cannot, for the life of me, feel anything good about McDonald's latest commercial that features Sharon Cuneta and Gabby Concepcion.
And while most people in my social media feed were gushing with proclamations of nostalgia (I suspect the illusion of relevance -- "taob ang mga JaDine/KathNiel/LizQuen nyong mga bata kayo!" plays a greater role in their delight than what they might suspect), I couldn't help but just feel... icky about it.
First, the TVC was playing on their past and all-too-real relationship -- it wasn't about the loveteam, it was about the past love. The manufactured feelings of romance runs smack against the brutal actuality that they're both married to different people now. Kadiri.
And two, wouldn't it have been better if instead of leaning on the hackneyed shortcut of 'the one that got away', they employed comedic hirits instead? Instead of the pa-cute, cringe-inducing forced romance, what if they made fun of each other instead?
"Uy, medyo tumaba ka ah!" "Eh ikaw nga ang kapal pa rin ng make-up!"
You know, actual dialogue you'd probably hear from exes who have moved on. That would have been funny, and natural, and far more relatable. Not this I'm-gonna-dab-this-napkin-on-a-non-existent-stain-on-your-face crap.